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Facelift in Aventura, FL

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Age-Defying Elegance: Unveiling the Artistry of Facelifts in Aventura

As we age, the inevitable impact of time becomes evident, manifesting in the loss of skin elasticity, firmness, and volume, which profoundly alters the facial contours. To combat these aging effects, a facelift emerges as the prevailing and highly effective cosmetic surgery. Specifically designed to tackle issues like wrinkles, creases, and excess skin on the neck, a facelift not only restores a more youthful appearance but also rejuvenates the overall facial aesthetic. At ARC Plastic Surgery we strive to deliver the best facelift Aventura has to offer.

Facelift at ARC Plastic Surgery

Experience the epitome of aesthetic refinement at ARC Plastic Surgery in Aventura, FL, where Dr. Jeremy White, a double-board-certified plastic surgeon, seamlessly combines his artistic prowess and scientific expertise. Nestled in the heart of Aventura, the practice offers a comprehensive range of cosmetic procedures, from rhinoplasty to facelifts and beyond. Dr. White's commitment to precision and warmth is evident in the state-of-the-art facility, attracting patients globally. With a stellar reputation for excellence and numerous accolades, ARC Plastic Surgery invites those seeking natural-appearing cosmetic goals to embark on a transformative journey. Schedule a consultation today to witness firsthand the ARC difference, where beauty is redefined through innovation and personalized care.

Miami facelift model with brown hair wavy line accent

What is a Facelift?

A facelift, known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the face and neck, restoring a youthful and refreshed appearance. At ARC Plastic Surgery in Aventura, FL, Dr. Jeremy White employs state-of-the-art techniques to address signs of aging, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. The procedure typically involves the repositioning of underlying tissues, removal of excess skin, and, if necessary, the augmentation of areas with diminished volume. Dr. White's expertise ensures a personalized approach, tailoring the facelift to each patient's unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. Technologically advanced methods, including minimally invasive approaches and innovative suture techniques, contribute to reduced downtime and enhanced results. These advancements allow for a more natural-looking outcome while minimizing discomfort and accelerating the recovery process. Dr. White's commitment to utilizing the latest technologies ensures that patients undergoing a facelift at ARC Plastic Surgery benefit from cutting-edge solutions, achieving a harmonious blend of artistry and precision in facial rejuvenation.

Types of Facelift

Facelifts are not one-size-fits-all procedures, and at ARC Plastic Surgery in Aventura, FL, we understand the importance of tailoring each treatment to the unique needs and goals of our patients. Our range of facelift options encompasses various techniques, each designed to address specific areas of concern and provide distinctive benefits. Whether you are seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation or targeted enhancements, Dr. Jeremy White's expertise ensures a personalized approach that aligns with your aesthetic aspirations.

Full Facelift

The full facelift is a comprehensive procedure that addresses aging concerns across the entire face and neck. Dr. White meticulously repositions underlying tissues, removes excess skin, and tightens muscles to achieve a harmonious and youthful appearance. This technique is particularly beneficial for patients with advanced signs of aging, offering transformative results that extend beyond isolated facial regions.

Mini Facelift

For those seeking a more subtle refreshment, the mini facelift is an excellent option. This minimally invasive procedure focuses on specific areas of the face, such as the lower face and jawline, providing a more targeted improvement. The mini facelift is ideal for individuals with mild to moderate signs of aging who desire a quicker recovery and less extensive intervention while still achieving noticeable rejuvenation.

Lower Facelift

The lower facelift specifically targets the jawline, jowls, and neck, addressing sagging skin and restoring definition to the lower third of the face. Dr. White employs advanced techniques to tighten and lift the underlying tissues, resulting in a smoother and more youthful contour. This technique is suitable for individuals experiencing laxity in the lower face without the need for a full facelift.

SMAS Facelift

The SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) facelift is a sophisticated approach that focuses on lifting and tightening the deeper layers of facial tissues. By addressing the SMAS, Dr. White achieves a more comprehensive and long-lasting rejuvenation. This technique is particularly effective in treating mid-face sagging and enhancing overall facial harmony.

Miami facelift model with gray hair

Facelift Benefits

Our Aventura Facelift procedures offer a myriad of benefits that profoundly impact your overall quality of life. Dr. Jeremy White's expertise ensures a personalized approach, tailoring each facelift to the unique needs and goals of the patient. The transformative effects of a facelift encompass various areas of the face and contribute to enhanced well-being and confidence.

  • Youthful Appearance: The primary benefit of a facelift is the restoration of a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. By addressing sagging skin, wrinkles, and facial volume loss, patients can enjoy a refreshed and vibrant look.
  • Improved Confidence: The visible effects of aging can impact self-esteem. A facelift not only enhances physical features but also boosts confidence and self-assurance, empowering individuals to face the world with renewed positivity.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Unlike temporary solutions, the results of a facelift are long-lasting. Patients can enjoy the benefits of their rejuvenated appearance for years, contributing to sustained satisfaction.
  • Natural-Looking Outcome: Dr. White's meticulous approach ensures that the results of a facelift appear natural and harmonious with the patient's facial features, avoiding a "pulled" or artificial look.
  • Addressing Multiple Concerns: A facelift comprehensively addresses multiple aging concerns, including sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume, providing a holistic solution to facial rejuvenation.
  • Enhanced Facial Contours: The procedure enhances facial contours, restoring a more defined and sculpted appearance to the cheeks, jawline, and neck.
  • Non-Surgical Options: While facelifts are surgical procedures, non-surgical options can complement the results or serve as standalone treatments for specific concerns. Dr. White may recommend additional procedures, such as dermal fillers or laser treatments, to achieve optimal results.
  • Concurrent Recovery: Dr. White employs advanced techniques to minimize downtime, allowing patients to recover more quickly and return to their daily activities sooner than traditional facelift procedures.

Choosing a facelift at ARC Plastic Surgery means embracing a holistic approach to facial rejuvenation, where the physical and emotional benefits intersect. Dr. Jeremy White's commitment to excellence ensures that each of our Aventura facelift patients experience a customized transformation, enhancing not only their appearance but also their overall well-being and confidence.

Facelift Candidates

Determining eligibility for a facelift at ARC Plastic Surgery involves a thorough evaluation by Dr. Jeremy White, ensuring candidates exhibit visible signs of aging, good overall health, realistic expectations, are non-smokers, and have a stable weight. Facelifts effectively address sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and facial volume loss and redefine the jawline. While the procedure is generally safe, contraindications include uncontrolled health conditions, allergies to anesthesia or medications, and age considerations. Dr. White's individualized approach during consultations considers each patient's unique factors, aiming for optimal results and ensuring a safe and successful cosmetic journey.

Consultation and Preparation

The facelift consultation at ARC Plastic Surgery, guided by Dr. Jeremy White, is a personalized and thorough experience where patients can expect a comprehensive facial assessment, a review of their medical history, and open discussions about their aesthetic goals. Dr. White crafts a customized treatment plan tailored to each individual's unique needs. In preparation for the facelift, patients are provided with clear guidelines, including the importance of ceasing smoking, potential medication adjustments, and maintaining optimal hydration and nutrition. The emphasis on post-operative arrangements and meticulous adherence to preoperative instructions ensures a smooth and safe surgical experience. With Dr. White's guidance, patients approach their facelift journey with confidence, knowing that their well-being and aesthetic aspirations are at the forefront of the comprehensive care provided at ARC Plastic Surgery in Aventura, FL.

Your Facelift with Dr. White

Ensuring precision and comfort, the procedure begins with strategic incisions discreetly placed within the hairline and around the ear, allowing for meticulous repositioning of underlying tissues and the removal of excess skin. The choice of anesthesia, tailored to individual considerations, guarantees a pain-free surgical experience. Dr. White's commitment to efficiency is reflected in the two to four-hour average duration of facelift procedures, emphasizing both streamlined processes and meticulous attention to each patient's unique needs.

During the facelift, a combination of local anesthesia and sedation or general anesthesia is administered to maximize patient comfort. Post-operatively, Dr. White employs advanced pain management strategies to minimize discomfort during the recovery period. Your facelift journey with Dr. White not only focuses on achieving aesthetic rejuvenation but also prioritizes patient well-being, ensuring a positive and empowering experience that leads to renewed confidence and radiance.

Facelift Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Following your facelift in Aventura at ARC Plastic Surgery with Dr. Jeremy White, initial results will be visible once swelling and bruising subside, typically within a few weeks. Post-treatment, a brief downtime of one to two weeks may be expected, during which patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities. To optimize results and promote smooth healing, patients should adhere to post-operative instructions, including proper incision care and scar prevention measures. Dr. White emphasizes the importance of avoiding direct sun exposure to minimize scarring and recommends a diligent skincare routine. While maintenance expectations vary, periodic follow-up appointments allow Dr. White to assess long-term results and address any concerns, ensuring that your renewed, youthful appearance endures with grace.

Why Dr. White?

Choosing Dr. Jeremy White at ARC Plastic Surgery in Aventura, FL, for your facelift is a decision rooted in expertise, accolades, and a commitment to patient satisfaction. Dr. White stands out as one of the few facial plastic surgeons in Miami and the country to hold dual board certifications in plastic surgery of the entire body and otolaryngology. His unique skill set encompasses a broad range of cosmetic procedures, including facelifts, rhinoplasty, eyelid lifts, breast augmentation, and tummy tucks. Dr. White's dedication to excellence has earned him numerous awards and accolades, including the prestigious 2021 Doctor's Choice Award Miami, the 2016 RealSelf Top 500, and continuous recognition as a Castle Connolly Top Doctor since 2017. His contributions to the field, such as publishing a book chapter on facelift surgery and conducting cutting-edge research on new techniques for revision breast augmentation, showcase his commitment to advancing plastic surgery practices. Patients from around the world appreciate Dr. White's straightforward approach, meticulous precision, and the integration of his New York precision with Floridian warmth. Featured in positive media coverage, Dr. White's reputation as a leader in facial plastic surgery underscores the trust patients can place in his hands for a transformative and rewarding facelift experience.

Schedule Your Aventura, FL, Facelift Consultation at ARC Plastic Surgery Today

To initiate your path towards renewed beauty and confidence, book your facelift consultation with Dr. Jeremy White at ARC Plastic Surgery in Aventura, FL, today. Experience the unmatched personalized care and precision in facial rejuvenation that sets ARC Plastic Surgery apart. Contact us at:

ARC Plastic Surgery - Aventura Location:
20950 NE 27th Ct #302,
Miami, FL 33180

Take the first step to discuss your aesthetic goals, learn about the facelift procedure, and benefit from the trusted guidance of Dr. Jeremy White. Secure your consultation now and explore the possibilities of achieving a refreshed and youthful appearance with the renowned expertise of ARC Plastic Surgery.


Facelifts are a common and widely performed cosmetic procedure sought after by individuals seeking to address signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance. The popularity of facelifts reflects the effectiveness of the procedure in enhancing facial contours and rejuvenating the overall aesthetic.

While facelifts are generally safe, like any surgical procedure, they carry inherent risks. Potential risks include infection, bleeding, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Dr. Jeremy White at ARC Plastic Surgery thoroughly discusses these risks during the consultation, ensuring that patients are well-informed and prepared for a safe surgical experience.

Facelift recovery varies among individuals but typically involves a downtime of one to two weeks. Patients may experience swelling and bruising initially, which gradually subsides. Dr. White provides post-operative care instructions to optimize healing, and most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks, showcasing the efficiency and advanced techniques employed at ARC Plastic Surgery.

Absolutely, facelifts are not exclusive to women. Men seeking to address signs of aging and sagging skin, as well as redefine facial contours, can benefit from facelift procedures tailored to their unique anatomical features. Dr. Jeremy White specializes in creating natural-looking results for both men and women, ensuring that each patient achieves their desired aesthetic outcome.

Facelift costs vary depending on factors such as the extent of the procedure, the specific technique employed, and geographical location. During a consultation at ARC Plastic Surgery, Dr. White provides a personalized assessment, including a detailed cost estimate. While cost is a consideration, the value of achieving exceptional results from a highly skilled and double-board-certified plastic surgeon is invaluable for those seeking a transformative and lasting outcome.

Your new life starts here

If you’re considering plastic surgery in Miami, Aventura or Fort Lauderdale, choosing the right plastic surgeon could not be more important. Dr. Jeremy White is the recipient of many honors and awards, including the 2021 Doctor’s Choice Award Miami, the 2016 RealSelf Top 500, and the prestigious Castle Connolly Top Doctors Award Winner since 2017. We invite you to have a consultation about the procedure you need. Schedule your consultation today.

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Fort Lauderdale Location

6550 N Federal Hwy #330-B,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

Miami Location

20950 NE 27th Ct #302,
Miami FL 33180

New Fort Lauderdale Location

500 SE 15th St #108-B,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316